חדש על המדף

חדש על המדף

The New Scramble for Africa
Guy Arnold לקטלוג
The New Scramble for Africa
Guy Arnold is an internationally renowned author, a journalist and a lecturer in international affairs specializing in Africa and relations between the developed and the developing worlds (North and South). With his vast experience on the politics of the African continent, he has written several books on African affairs namely Kenyatta and the Politics of Kenya ; Aid in Africa; The last Bunker (South Africa); The New South Africa ; South Africa: Crossing the Rubicon… Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa ; Africa: A Modern History (1960-2000). […]

"The New Scramble for Africa" is his latest book covering the competition of international political and economic powers old and new and their aroused interest in Africa's newly-discovered underground wealth. It is an essential reading for those interested in contemporary African affairs.