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חדש על המדף

Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film
Second Edition
Richard Barsam לקטלוג
Looking at Movies: An Introduction to  Film<br> Second Edition
[…] This is not a book on film history, but it includes relevant historical information and covers a broad range of movies; not a book on theory, but it introduces some of the most essential approaches to interpreting movies; not a book about filmmaking, but one that explains production processes, equipment, and techniques; not a book of criticism, but one that shows you how to think and write about the films you study in your classes.

Everything we see on the movie screen - everything that engages our senses, emotions, and minds - results from hundreds of decisions affecting the interrelation of formal cinematic elements: narrative, composition, design, cinematography, acting, editing and sound. Organized around chapters devoted to those formal elements, this book encourages you to look at movies with an understanding and appreciation of how filmmakers make the decisions that help them tell a story and create the foundation for its meaning. After all, in the real life of the movies, on the screen, it is not historians, theorists, or critics - important and valuable as their work is - but filmmakers who continually shape and revise our understanding and appreciation of film art.[…]

Features of the book

[…] New DVD Tutorial

A special icon in the text - DVD - links to short tutorials on the supplemental DVD that elaborate on or illustrate key concepts in the text, thus showing students how to look at movies analytically. These DVD tutorials were specifically produced for, and are exclusive to, Looking at Movies , Second Edition.[…]

New Supplement: "Writing About Movies"

Written by Karen Gocsik (Executive Director of the Writing Program at Dartmouth College) and Richard Barsam, "Writing About Movies" is a short, clear, and practical overview of the process of writing papers for film studies courses. This supplement is packaged free of charge with every new copy of Looking at Movies, Second Edition, and is also available on the Looking at Movies website, at wwnorton.com/movies.[...]