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Public Administration and Public Affairs
10th Edition
Nicholas Henry ì÷èìåâ
Public Administration and Public Affairs  <br>10th Edition
From the Preface

…We entitled this book Public Administration and Public Affairs, because it examines the realities underlying the stereotypes that are brought out by both phrases. Public Administration and Public Affairs is, at root, about the public interest. It explains both the means used to fulfill the public interest and the human panoply that is the public interest.

[…] The tenth edition is the most thoroughly revised edition yet. Some of the new, seriously revised, or significantly expanded discussions in this edition are listed in rough order of their appearance, as follows:

* The Resurrection of the "Good Government" movement.
* Vernon, California: A case of unconstrained public administration.
* Americans' experiences with their public administrators.
* Knowledge management, and the importance of the bureaucrat in assuring that public policy is made with full and accurate information.
* The introduction of a new paradigm of public administration: Paradigm 6, Governance […]
* The decline of government as the employer of choice for public administrators , and the rise of the independent sector.
* The rise of networked public administration […]
* The moral significance of organization in society. […]
* "Social Tests" for organizations.
* New case studies of organizational dynamics, including examples drawn from the American experience in Iraq […]
* Why governments resist change.
* The unique behavior of nonprofit organizations.
* Differences in leadership behavior […]
* A major and important addition is that of public finance, which provides wholly new and extensive material on the price that Americans willing to pay for their governments […]

Also revised in the tenth edition are the five extensive appendices that have made Public Administration and Public Affairs a useful reference work for students, professors, and professionals alike…