חדש על המדף

חדש על המדף

The New Physics for the Twenty-First Century
Edited by Gordon Fraser לקטלוג
The New Physics for the Twenty-First Century
Underpinning all the other branches of science, physics affects the way we live our lives, and ultimately how life itself functions.

Fifteen years on from publication of the highly acclaimed The New physics, there have been many new scientific advances which have led to dramatic reappraisals of our understanding of the world around us, and made significant impacts on our lifestyle.

In The New Physics for the Twenty-First Century, 23 leading physicists explore the frontiers of modern physics, from the particles inside an atom to the stars that make up a galaxy. They reveal now physics plays a vital role in what we see around us, and explain new techniques, from nano-engineering and brain research to high-speed data networks and custom built materials.

Written in a lively and accessible style, each of the nineteen self-contained chapters will fascinate scientists of all disciplines, and anyone wanting to know more about the world of physics today.

Gordon Fraser is freelance science writer. After gaining his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics at Imperial College London, he followed a career in technical journalism and as a freelance writer. He has published several books, including Antimatter: The ultimate Mirror in 2000. He worked at CERN for over 25 years and is a former editor of Cern Courier, the international monthly news magazine of high-energy physics.

Contains Contribution from:

Henry Abarbanel, Ronald Adler, Ugo Amaldi, Robert Cahn, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jean Dalibard, Arnon Dar, Arthur Ekert, Christopher Foot, Wendy Freedman, Michael Green, Henry Hall, Tony Hey, Yoseph Imry, Rocky Kolb, Nicolaj Pavel, William Phillips, Antonio Politi, Chris Quigg, Subir Sachdev, Cyrus Safinya, Anne Trefethen, and Anton Zeilinger.