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International bibliography of Historical Science. Volume LXX 2001
Edited by Massimo Mastrogregori ì÷èìåâ
International bibliography of Historical Science. Volume LXX 2001
From the Foreword

The International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (I. B. O. H. S.) is a selective and descriptive bibliography, and the works it mentions, both books and articles, are arranged according to a methodical and chronological scheme originally drawn up and established by the bibliographical Commission of the International Committee of Historical Sciences; the schemes has been revised only in details…

Manner of Selection

… the selection is actuated by the twin concerns of preserving for the I. B. O. H. S. its character of a general bibliography comprehending the whole field of historical sciences, and of putting at the disposal of historians as also librarians the essential facts of historical production throughout the world, in one complete volume appearing annually…

It has in fact more than ever necessary to offer to isolated scholars and even scientific establishments unable to obtain all these bibliographies the means of keeping informed, each year, of the advancement of historical science… firstly, we have listed, outside the systematic inventory and immediately preceding it, the great international or national bibliographies giving the historical production of a country and in which a conspectus of works connected with this country is given; on the other hand, in the systematic inventory, at the head of each division or subdivision are mentioned general bibliographies dealing with one of the historical disciplines or particular bibliographies devoted to one question, one author or one province or state, and which find their logical position in that division or subdivision…