Academic Studies
Academic Departments
Department of Management and Economics
Intermediate courses
Intermediate courses
Big Data Analysis and Cybersecurity (10878)
Consumer Behavior
Financial Theory: Financial Management of Business Firms
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Human Resource Management
Intermediate Financial Accounting A (10864)
Intermediate Financial Accounting B (10865)
Intermediate Macroeconomics I
Intermediate Macroeconomics II
Introduction to Accounting
Introduction to Law (10835)
Introduction to Law and Business Law (10836)
Israeli Administrative Law (10790)
Israeli Constitutional Law (10812)
Macro-Organizational Behavior (10434)
Managerial Accounting (10860)
Managerial Economics
Marketing Management
Operations Management I
Operations Management II
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior - Flexible Track (11232)
Planning, Analysis and Design of Information Systems
Price Theory I
Price Theory II
Price Theory III
Principles of Econometrics (English) (10887)
Principles of Financial Accounting (10863)
Principles of Financial Statement Auditing (10874)
Relations between State, Economy, and Morality: An Introduction (10881)
Taxation A (10870)
Technology and Innovation Management
Technology and innovation management: Course and Internship (10857)