Academic Studies
Academic Departments
Department of Natural Sciences
Intermediate courses
Intermediate courses
Advanced Electronics (20918)
Analytical Mechanics
Atoms, Molecules and the Properties of Matter
Biochemistry I for chemists (20485)
Biochemistry I: Proteins - Structure and Function
Biochemistry II: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids
Cell Structure and Function
Electricity and Magnetism
Field laboratory: the biology of the Arabian babbler (20496)
Fundamentals of Physics II
Fundamentals of Physics for Biology Students II
General Biology II: Structure and Function of Plants and Animals, Ecology
General Chemistry
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
General Chemistry II, for Biology Students
Genetic I (20495)
Genetic II (20924)
Geology of Israel
Human Genetics: Medical and Ethical Aspects (for Non-Biologists)
Inorganic Chemistry
Introduction to Astrophysics
Introduction to Earth Sciences
Introduction to Environmental Science (20603)
Introduction to Geochemistry (20498)
Introduction to Geophysics
Introduction to Meteorology
Introduction to Oceanography (20493)
Introduction to computational physics (20432)
Introduction to laboratory in Cellular and Molecular Biology (20601)
Laboratory in Meteorology: Observations and Synoptic Analysis
Laboratory: Biochemistry of Proteins
Laboratory: Biotechnology
Laboratory: Cell Biology
Laboratory: Fundamentals of Physics
Laboratory: General Chemistry
Laboratory: Immunology
Laboratory: Inorganic Chemistry
Laboratory: Microscopy of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks (Metamorphic and Sedimentary Petrography)
Laboratory: Microscopy of Minerals and Magmatic Rocks (Optical Mineralogy and Magmatic Petrography)
Laboratory: Molecular Biology
Laboratory: Organic Chemistry
Laboratory: Physical Chemistry
Laboratory: Physics II
Mathematical Methods for Physics (20602)
Modern Physics
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry for Biology Students
Philosophy of Science
Physical Climatology (20600)
Plant World, The (20494)
Selected Topics in Animal Behavior
Semiconductor Devices and Microelectronics
Thermodynamics (20483)
Thermodynamics for Physicists (20482)
Topics in physical chemistry (20497)
Vegetation of Israel
Vertebrates in Israel
Waves and Optics
World of Bacteria, The
World of Electricity and Electronics I, The (20488)
World of Electricity and Electronics II, The (20489)