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Caravaggio as a Modernist: What is Modernism?
Dorit Kedar ì÷èìåâ
Caravaggio as a Modernist: What is Modernism?
Caravaggio as a Modernist: What is Modernism? presents seventeenth-century Caravaggio as a modernist artist. In this book, modernism is perceived not as a style dependent on time and space but as an essential system of values connected to a subjective view of the world.

This book examines the meaning of the artist’s realism, the reflection of the artist’s individuality in his work, from the points of view of both content and form, as well as Caravaggio’s religious approach, which is interpreted as an existentialist protest.

The reader is exposed to perceive Caravaggio as an artist rebelling against his times’ conventions, while also opening up to a focused, concise comprehension of modernism.

The book and its unique, original thesis are based on Kedar’s MA dissertation, available for the first time in English, with a new editor’s foreword.

Dorit Kedar is an artist, theorist, art critic, and curator. She holds degrees in translation, comparative literature, philosophy, Eastern philosophy, and art history and obtained her PhD in Creative Arts from Union College, Cincinnati. She currently teaches art history and Eastern philosophy at the Midrasha - Faculty of the Arts at Beit Berl College, Israel. She is the founder and head of the Center of Interreligious Peace in Tel Aviv.