חדש על המדף

חדש על המדף

Child Soldiers: A Reference Handbook
David M. Rosen לקטלוג
Child Soldiers: A Reference Handbook
This book exposes the role of children in war, describing where, why, and how children are deployed, the attempts made by international organizations to protect children, and the underlying political and cultural issues that make this such a thorny issue.

In the United States, many children aged 12 to 13 are learning algebra and discovering pop music and Facebook. In other areas of the world, such as southern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East, some children at the same age are learning to become soldiers and killers.

In conflict-torn countries such as Myanmar and Uganda, the use of child soldiers in military and paramilitary operations continues to occur despite widespread condemnation and the efforts of organizations such as the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers. This book will allow readers to grasp the impact of this issue for both individuals and nations worldwide.

Child Soldiers: A Reference Handbook traces the evolution of child soldiers from approximately 1940 onwards, covering important historical to modern conflicts. The subject is discussed from a global perspective, with particular attention given to areas where the use of child soldiers is most prevalent.

The book covers the complex underlying reasons for the continued use of child soldiers in the modern world, examines the political and psychological consequences of using children - both male and female - in military and paramilitary organizations, and describes how this subject has been addressed by international law and various human rights organizations.